Menopause and Beyond
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info on Andropause
Women don't realize there are other options - not everyone needs a birth control pill, an antidepressant or traditional hormone therapy. Since practicing in Indiana for 3 1/2 years, I find that the majority of my patients are deficient in Pregnenolone, iodine and D3.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a well-evidenced method of therapy that allows women to take back their lives and regain that same vibrancy and passion for life that they once enjoyed in their youth. A vibrancy that many have begun to fear had been lost forever due to the significant changes that come along with the natural aging process of peri-menopause, menopause and hormone imbalance.
How is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement different from Traditional Hormone Replacement?
Think of a round peg fitting into a square puzzle - it might fit but it is not the right fit and it is not optimal that is traditional hormone replacement. When you have the perfect fit - a round peg fitting in a round puzzle everything works together in a more efficient and natural way. Bio-identical hormones are compounded in a pharmacy, and each prescription is compounded to meet a patient's individual needs and address their specific concerns.
How do you determine what the Bio-Identical Hormone formula should be?
I use symptoms, height and weight, lifestyle, physical and mental health and blood work. While some providers use saliva, I was trained to manage hormones through blood work, and have been very successful with my patients. Most insurance companies will cover blood work and not saliva testing.
For a more in-depth discussion of hormone therapy, please visit the FAQ page.